Traore Mefoua - Commissioner Commission électorale indépendante de Côte d'Ivoire Haman Dahirou - Commissioner Electoral Board Member (National Commissioner) - Cameroon Mamata Tiendrebeogo - Commissioner of the Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) Burkina Faso Keneni Ensermu - Regional Branch Offices head of the National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) Amb Fabrizio Lobasso on the collaboration between the Italian MFA and ECES S.E. Amb.Calixte Aristide Mbari remarks at the 6th Edition of the African Transitional Justice Forum Hamza Fassi Fihri – Project Coordinator at the 6th Edition of the African Transitional Justice Forum ECES Vice president of the Strategic & Advisory Committee 6th African Transitional Justice Forum S.E. Amb. Calixte Aristide Mbari opening remarks at the AU workshop in Niamey 24-26 August 2022 load more