Amb Fabrizio Lobasso vicedirettore Africa sub-sahariana del MAECI sul progetto ProElectoral Itegrity Hamza Fassi Fihri – Project Coordinator at the 6th Edition of the African Transitional Justice Forum S.E. Amb.Calixte Aristide Mbari remarks at the 6th Edition of the African Transitional Justice Forum ECES Vice president of the Strategic & Advisory Committee 6th African Transitional Justice Forum ECES Head of Operation & Administration Gorka Gamarra opening remarks at the AU workshop in Niamey Opening remark Mr Calixte Aristide Mbari Ag Director Governance & Conflict Prevention AU Commission Romano Prodi opening remark at Strengthening Capacities of Electoral Stakeholders in Africa S.E. Amb. Calixte Aristide Mbari opening remarks at the AU workshop in Niamey 24-26 August 2022 Opening remark Emanuela Del Re, EU Special Representative for the Sahel load more