Secure, peaceful and inclusive elections seminar



On the16 June 2022 in Dakar,  ECES participated in the international seminar on the theme "Secure, peaceful and inclusive elections", organised in the framework of the 10th General Assembly of the Réseau des compétences électorales francophones (RECEF). The seminar brings together election management bodies that are members of the network, as well as structures specialised in supporting electoral processes.  In this framework, ECES was able to present the different methodologies and tools that are part of the European Response to the Electoral Cycle (EURECS) strategy in the field of prevention and management of potential conflicts and violence related to elections.

The presentation was made by Eva Palmans, Head of Programme and Board Member, through the case study of Madagascar and the project to support the prevention and management of potential election-related conflicts and violence (PEV Madagascar). The seminar was an opportunity to exchange experiences in organising peaceful elections and restoring confidence between the different actors in contexts marked by deep crises, with a particular focus on the need for inclusive elections with the active participation of women at all levels.